CG数据库 >> C4D教程-学习物体动力学模拟动画 Udemy – Dynamic Simulations in Cinema 4D

C4D教程-学习物体动力学模拟动画 Udemy – Dynamic Simulations in Cinema 4D2020/05/17 22:29

分类:C4D教程/Cinema 4D学习物体动力学模拟动画C4D教程。


您将学到的内容Cinema 4D中的Dynamics Simulations,创建逼真的动画,刚体动力学的基础知识,如何解决Dynamic Animations的一些常见问题。

如果您想要通过在3D对象之间创建逼真的互动,将您的3D动画技能提升到一个新的水平,那么本课程适合您!We will start the course by looking at when and why you should use Dynamics.

We’ll then move onto the foundations of working with Dynamics, covering topics such as rigid bodies, colliders, gravity, bounce, friction, velocity, triggers, hinges, forces and much more.

发布日期: 2020-05-17