【教程介绍】Lynda Up and Running with the Foundry CameraTracker for After EffectsFoundry CameraTracker 这个强大的三维摄相机跟踪插件,你也许听说过,但不一定了解它的强大, 能做三维相机轨道反求和动向匹配,由实拍素材的分析提取原相机的镜片和轨迹参数,让您以正确的相机资料进行二维和三维素材的合成。
教程由著名的教程机构 Lynda 出品,多方位/多实例的讲解了外置插件Foundry CameraTracker 的操作使用,以及一些强大的特效场景合成。
CameraTracker allows you to pull 3D motion tracks and match camera moves without leaving After Effects, and offers greater control over complex tasks compared to Adobe’s built-in tracker.
Learn how to use this advanced plugin to track and solve basic shots, refine a camera solve with garbage mattes, and place objects into shots to test your tracking data.
Motion graphics pro Andy Needham also shows how to use the Track Finder tools to remove bad tracking data, and export data to CINEMA 4D for some really cool sample projects, including a 3D simulation and a 3D text treatment.
【教程下载】AE教程:三维摄像机跟踪/路径反求特效动画教程合集Lynda Up and Running with the Foundry CameraTracker
发布日期: 2014-05-11