C4D插件-三维模型布线缓和平滑插件 Nitro4D NitroRelax v1.05 Win/Mac + 使用教程2020/07/24 09:36
分类:C4D插件/C4D教程/Cinema 4D/其他一款三维模型布线缓和平滑插件NitroRelax可以在选中的面中做布线平滑处理,只需选择点或者多边形边拖动即可,非常的智能。
with this plugin you can easy relax polygon simple,select points or edge or polygon and drag and fix your modeling in min ! there is also 2 bonus modes,the Move points,edges,polygons in surface,and the Move Stretch points,edges,polygons in free space支持Win/Mac系统:Cinema 4D R15或更高版本
发布日期: 2020-07-24