CG数据库 >> Final Cut Pro 专业资源库管理工具 Final Cut Library Manager 1.6 for Mac

【工具介绍】最新版 Final Cut Pro 专业资源库管理工具 Final Cut Library Manager 1.60 for MacFinal Cut Library Manager: Final Cut Library Manager for Mac 专业的Final Cut Pro 资源库管理工具, 智能系统的资源库管理,拥有综合全面的功能,不用打开 Final Cut 就可以自动扫描硬盘与磁盘上的工程文件分析


inal Cut Library Manager 1.60Housekeeping for your Libraries!All your libraries, just one windowChoose which drives to includeAll of your indexed FCP libraries are immediatelydisplayed together in one windowSort by name, size, date…Open them with a double click, even alone if required – no more need to close them one-by-one in Final Cut Pro!Filter your libraries by nameThe bars show the different media types contained by the library:Gray.

Camera native media files.


Optimized files.


Proxy files.


Render files.

Requires: Final Cut Pro X 10.1 and MavericksWhat’s new v1.60FCLM can now clean Optical Flow Files (created when slowing down motion), and this has replaced the ability to clean stabilisation data.

Stabilisation data is slow to recreate and actually very small, so removing this data really isn’t useful.

Optical Flow data can be very big indeed so cleaning it may be worthwhile for archived libraries (although it’s even slower to recreate!).

It’s now possible to create a new Final Cut Pro library directly from within Final Cut Library Manager.

For those who keep their libraries inside a disk image, the context menu on the source list now provides an option to show the disk image itself in the Finder.

The free space on a newly added source wasn’t displayed until FCLM was relaunched – this had been fixed.

Other minor fixes and spelling errors.


【工具下载】Final Cut Pro 专业资源库管理工具 Final Cut Library Manager 1.6 for Mac

Final Cut Pro 专业资源库管理工具 Final Cut Library Manager 1.6 for Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2014-05-13