CG数据库 >> AE脚本-空物体连线动画脚本 Paths From Nulls

AE脚本-空物体连线动画脚本 Paths From Nulls2020/08/11 14:02

分类:AE脚本/After Effects您的浏览器不支持HTML5的 video 标签,无法为您播放!用这个脚本可以从AE内置功能中使你有能力从现有的空物体处生成一条路径直线或曲线都行。


The alter ego entity of the built-in tool “Nulls From Paths.

jsx” grants your fingertips the power to generate a path from existing nulls to achieve unique effects, especially when working with tracked footage/nulls imported from 3D software.

If that wasn’t enough, a swift tick gifts the created paths with rope-like qualities so you can finally host your own realtime noodles party.支持Win/Mac系统: After Effects CS6 – CC 2019, 2020

发布日期: 2020-08-11