NUKE教程-视频特效合成学习教程 Udemy – Introduction to Nuke VFX Compositing The Essentials – NK101 (英文字幕)2020/10/04 09:30
但是,如果坚持不懈,最终您将获得丰厚的回报和技能,并且可以炫耀您创造的成果!This Nuke visual effects training course will take you through the fundamental concepts of VFX Compositing in Nuke, and how to learn the user interface. By the end of the course, you will successfully be able to composite what would be considered a “Junior Digital Compositing” shot. The final project includes all of the techniques you learn along the way. The class is focused primarily on the 2D aspects of compositing to get you started. It involves replacing a background, color correcting and blending the foreground and background, motion tracking the background to the foreground, and seamlessly bringing it all together. As a bonus, you learn how to create an animated hologram effect from scratch appearing in front of the character!你将学习到的内容:Nuke的用户界面数字合成的概念和技术加性色理论图像格式/
发布日期: 2020-10-04