CG数据库 >> AE教程:特效实景合成Lynda – Compositing Essentials Advanced Matching and Looks

【教程介绍】Lynda – After Effects Compositing Essentials Advanced Matching and LooksAE特效合成的时候,很多时候会在实拍素材加入特效,分析,跟踪,制作……等等的处理让效果更加的真实,有时候就是2D和3D效果混合在一起产生逼真的三维空间动画,当然如果想要让特效合成更加细腻真实,那么就还需要对画面进行镜头色彩匹配,加入运动模糊,镜头扭曲失真效果等。

Incorporating a 3D camera into an otherwise 2D shot, or mixing 3D and 2D layers together brings 3D reality to the 2D screen.

But there’s more to it than simply adding a camera or camera track to a composition.

You need to match the characteristics of a real, physical camera: replicating how it sees the world.

You need to match the color of the original shot, or maybe even make creative adjustments.

You might need to tweak the lighting, match motion blur, or compensate for lens distortion.

You might even want to take advantage of high dynamic range (HDR) imaging techniques or experiment with different filmic looks.

In this course, Mark Christiansen takes you through these scenarios and the next step in After Effects compositing: matching a shot and making it look not just realistic, but cinematic.



AE教程:特效实景合成Lynda – Compositing Essentials Advanced Matching and Looks的图片1

发布日期: 2014-06-17