CG数据库 >> AE教程-音频可视化频谱图形动画制作 Skillshare – Audio Spectrum Visualizer in After Effects(英文字幕)

AE教程-音频可视化频谱图形动画制作 Skillshare – Audio Spectrum Visualizer in After Effects(英文字幕)2020/12/14 16:46

分类:AE教程/After Effects在本课程中,我们将学习“音频频谱”效果的基本功能。



将逐步向您展示所有内容,因此即使您以前从未使用过After Effects,也可以使您的音频反应器更出色。

Audio Spectrum Visualizer in After EffectsIn this course, we will learn the essential features of the “Audio Spectrum” effect.

Then we will use different techniques and create a complex audio reactor.

We will create multiple Audio Spectrum layersWe will extract keyframes from the audioWe will force particles move based on the musicAnd much more. I will show you everything step by step, so you will be able to make your audio reactor even if you never used After Effects before. HOME –

发布日期: 2020-12-14