CG数据库 >> PS插件-专业相机镜头畸变校正工具 Lens Corrector PRO V1.7 Win版

PS插件-专业相机镜头畸变校正工具 Lens Corrector PRO V1.7 Win版2021/01/05 20:27

分类:Photoshop/软件/插件Lens Corrector PRO是Photoshop的功能强大的插件,可将相机镜头畸变校正达到专业水平,并添加了许多图像校正工具和算法,以帮助消除这些类型的畸变。

Lens Corrector PRO is a powerful plugin for Adobe Photoshop that takes camera lens distortion correction to a professional level, adding numerous image correction tools and algorithms for facilitating the removal of these types of distortions.

发布日期: 2021-01-05