CG数据库 >> AE脚本-删除不必要的蒙版关键帧 Remove Unnecessary Mask Keyframes v1.0

AE脚本-删除不必要的蒙版关键帧 Remove Unnecessary Mask Keyframes v1.02021/01/16 11:45

分类:AE脚本/After Effects允许您删除内置蒙版跟踪器生成的“不必要的”关键帧。









Allows you to remove ‘unnecessary’ keyframes generated by the built-in mask tracker.

It will look at the mask’s tracker-generated every-frame keyframes and remove those frames that fall under a threshold of being similar to their predecessor.

Two passes are executed: removal and reinforcement.

The removal pass consists of removing keyframes that are too similar to the previous one.

Two keyframes are considered similar when none of the vertices has moved more than the specified (removal) threshold.

The reinforcement pass analyzes every successive pair of the remaining keyframes.

When a vertex has moved more than the (reinforcement) threshold, a previously removed keyframe is reintroduced in the middle of the two keyframes.

This phase is repeated until every pair satisfies the condition.

The percentage of keyframe reduction is written to the Info palette.

Win/Mac:After Effects2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6

发布日期: 2021-01-16