CG数据库 >> 红巨人粒子特效套装AE/PR插件Trapcode Suite 16.0.4 含Particular/Form/Shine/Starglow/3D Stroke等

红巨人粒子特效套装AE/PR插件Trapcode Suite 16.0.4 含Particular/Form/Shine/Starglow/3D Stroke等2021/03/17 09:45

分类:AE插件/After Effects/Premiere/软件/插件Trapcode Suite将3D粒子系统的功能直接带入After Effects。




Trapcode Suite brings the power of 3D particle systems right into After Effects.

Use particle emitters to create fire, water, smoke, snow and other organic visual effects, or create technological marvels and user interfaces with immortal particle grids, text and 3D forms.

Combine multiple particle systems into one unified 3D space and design emitters that emit full emitters for creating visually stunning results.

With GPU acceleration, Trapcode plugins help you get beautiful results fast.

Red Giant Trapcode Suite 16 包括插件:Trapcode Tao 1.2.4    三维几何图形插件Trapcode Particular 5.0.1

超炫粒子插件(更新)Trapcode Form 4.3.0   三 维空间粒子插件Trapcode Mir 3.2.0

三维图形插件Trapcode Shine 2.0.6    放射光插件Trapcode Lux 1.4.3

聚光灯插件Trapcode 3D Stroke 2.7.3

3D路径描边插件Trapcode Echospace 1.1.12

三维立体拖尾延迟插件Trapcode Starglow 1.7.6

星光插件Trapcode Sound Keys 1.4.4

音频关键帧插件Trapcode Horizon 1.1.13

无限场景(天空)插件插件支持Win/Mac系统:– After Effects   CC 2014,CC 2015 ,CC 2017,CC 2018,CC 2019,2020–  Premiere Pro  CC 2014,CC 2015 ,CC 2017,CC 2018,CC 2019,2020(部分插件支持)v16.0.4 更新内容:兼容Adobe 2021安装方法:先安装插件程序,最后点击左下角蓝色的Activate,在弹出Red Giant Application Manager中点击Cancel(无需登录),然后点击右上角的按钮,选择Enter Serial Number,输入插件序列号完成注册激活。



发布日期: 2021-03-17