CG数据库 >> 达芬奇教程-画面多余物体移除 Lowepost – Paint Fixing in DaVinci Resolve

达芬奇教程-画面多余物体移除 Lowepost – Paint Fixing in DaVinci Resolve2021/03/23 22:04

分类:DaVinci Resolve/软件/插件画面修补Paint Fixing是去除不需要的物体并改善拍摄效果的无形艺术。


Paint Fixing已成为掌握一项基本技能。

Paint Fixing is the invisible art of removing unwanted objects and improving shots.

Digital paint tools can be used to remove actors and logos from a shot, remove artifacts and to replace elements.

Paint fixing has become an essential skill to master.

发布日期: 2021-03-23