CG数据库 >> AE教程:烟雾火焰爆炸特效合成 Tutsplus Smoke Fire and Explosions in Adobe After Effects


【教程介绍】一套非常棒的AE特效合成教程,在AE中合成一系列的烟雾,火焰,爆炸等场景特效,且制作这些特效没有用到第三方插件,用自带的插件和素材就完成了强大的效果,如果你想制作电影级别的烟雾火焰爆炸特效,那么本套教程将是你的首选,通过一系列的案例讲解了特效合成,教程下载中含工程素材,方便您的使用Tutsplus Smoke Fire and Explosions in Adobe After EffectsIn this course, Christopher Kenworthy will show you how easy it is to create smoke, fire, and explosions using Adobe After Effects—without relying on third-party plugins.

By learning some simple techniques and built-in filters, you’ll be creating realistic-looking smoke, fire and explosions for your film footage in no time.


【教程下载】AE教程:烟雾火焰爆炸特效合成 Tutsplus Smoke Fire and Explosions

AE教程:烟雾火焰爆炸特效合成 Tutsplus Smoke Fire and Explosions in Adobe After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2014-08-22