CG数据库 >> AE教程-MG动画制作中关键帧曲线调节学习(英文字幕) Introduction to Motion Design and Animation Curves in After Effects

AE教程-MG动画制作中关键帧曲线调节学习(英文字幕) Introduction to Motion Design and Animation Curves in After Effects2021/08/17 11:18

分类:AE教程/After Effects在平面设计中添加运动对任何创作者来说都代表了一个新的表达层,但也是另一层难度。

为了促进这一转变,拥有超过10年经验和的运动设计师Borja Holke将教您掌握Adobe After Effects 中的时序和加速度曲线,以帮助您创建自己的运动语言。

You will start getting to know Borja and his professional career, the agencies in which he has worked and the studies with which he has collaborated, in order to later learn about his influences in the world of motion design .

Next, you will learn Adobe After Effects and the uses that Holke has given him in his career.

From there you will install it on your computer, if you still do not have it.

You will learn some basic tools of the program: layers, shape layers, keyframes , animation curves and renders .


发布日期: 2021-08-17