CG数据库 >> AE教程-表达式基础入门学习 A Beginner’s Introduction to After Effects Expressions

AE教程-表达式基础入门学习 A Beginner’s Introduction to After Effects Expressions2021/08/18 20:07

分类:AE教程/After Effects如果您曾经使用(复制和粘贴)After Effects 表达式,或者听说过它但从未有过机会,或者找不到让您感到满意的资源,就是这样!欢迎来到表达式课程!Expressions 以令人生畏而著称,但 Expressions 也非常通用,您可以使用它们完成各种事情。

本课程的目标是轻轻握住您的手,带您进入 Expressions 的世界,让 Expressions 不那么令人生畏,并为您的探索和实验敞开大门。



第 3 至 8 课构成了核心,在那里我向您介绍了在您越来越深入地探索表达式世界时将掌握的最基本的概念。

Expressions have a reputation of being daunting but Expressions are also extremely versatile and there’s a variety of things you can accomplish with them.

The goal of this class is to gently hold your hand and bring you inside the world of Expressions, to make Expressions less daunting and open them up for your exploration and experimentation.


发布日期: 2021-08-18