CG数据库 >> 高级粒子特效Houdini教程 Rohan Dalvi – Particles in Houdini 18

高级粒子特效Houdini教程 Rohan Dalvi – Particles in Houdini 182021/09/10 10:19

分类:其他资源/软件/插件在本培训系列的课程中,我们将了解 Houdini 粒子系统的基础知识,并涵盖各种 POP 节点,以更好地了解 Houdini 粒子系统的工作原理。

我们还将经历各种小项目,这些项目将结合各种 POP 节点、烟雾模拟、RBD 和各种 sop 级别工具来创建一系列效果。


Over the course of this training series we will look at the basics of the Houdini particle system and also cover a variety of POP nodes to better understand how the Houdini particle system works.

We will also go through a variety of small projects that will combine a variety of POP nodes, smoke simulation, RBDs and various sop level tools to create a range of effects.

One point of note, this training does not cover rendering of particles.

发布日期: 2021-09-10