CG数据库 >> 达芬奇插件-模拟电影胶片调色工具 Look Designer v2.4.2 CE Win

达芬奇插件-模拟电影胶片调色工具 Look Designer v2.4.2 CE Win2021/10/11 17:48

分类:DaVinci Resolve/软件/插件这款达芬奇调色插件,使电影制作人能够以前所未有的方式设计和编辑自己的电影外观色彩。

使用自定义减色 CMY 处理设计您的电影外观,并以前所未有的方式模拟胶片。

直接内置于 Colourlab Ai 中。

Look Designer 准确模拟与胶片采集、显影、扫描和打印相关的过程。

它超越了简单的胶片模拟 LUT 进入 CMY 减色工具的世界,模拟真实胶片乳液的颜色处理。


Look Designer 2 可以预先匹配相机,单击一下即可从 SDR 移动到 HDR,或者对整个色彩管道使用 ACEScct。

Look Designer 2 可以使用您选择的输出设备目标,通过33点和65点 .CUBE文件创建和导出令人惊叹的 Show LUT。


Design your cinematic looks with custom Subtractive Color CMY processing and emulate film like never before.

Look Designer accurately emulates the process associated with film acquisition, development, scanning, and printing.

It goes beyond simple Film Emulation LUTs into the world of CMY Subtractive color tools that emulate color processing of real film emulsions.

Built for every single workflow.

Even the most demanding.

Look Designer 2 can pre-match cameras, move from SDR to HDR in a single click, or use ACEScct for the entire color pipeline.

Look Designer 2 can create and export stunning Show LUTs via 33 and 65 point .

CUBE files with your choice of output device targets.

Need an SDR and an HDR version of your look? Simply done.

发布日期: 2021-10-11