【插件介绍】C4D插件:超级像素体积化插件 Remotion4D SuperVoxels for Cinema 4DSuperVoxels是Remotion4D出品的一款超级像素体积化插件,可以将多边形、样条线、粒子等快速填充为立方体或其他形状,渲染速度非常快,类似于Tools4D Voxygen插件。
插件支持WIN和MAC系统下 C4D R14-R16SuperVoxels is plugin for Maxon Cinema4D R14 and R15,R16It is multi threaded voxel generator, processing tools for C4D.
It also voxel cloner, tetraeder generator, TP generator, Iso Surface Polygonizer, CSG, even voxel Boolean and more…Internally it is using powerful OpenVDB library.
Following OS are supported: Windows Vista, 7, 8.
OS X 10.
7 and 10.
【插件下载】C4D插件:超级像素体积化插件 Remotion4D SuperVoxels for Cinema 4D
发布日期: 2014-09-21