CG数据库 >> Final Cut Pro X 纪录片剪辑教程 Lynda Documentary Editing with Final Cut Pro X

【教程介绍】在教程中将学习如何利用 Final Cut Pro X 软件剪辑纪录片和一些基本的编辑技巧,作者 Diana Weynand 利用一个真实的纪录片案例,详细的分析和剪辑了一部纪录片,利用资源库的素材探讨如何构建一个自定的叙事时间线,教程涉及的内容以及流程:粗剪,精简,制作动画,调整,校色/调色,音频混合处理,输出。

Lynda Documentary Editing with Final Cut Pro X v10.1.xLearn how to build a polished documentary using Final Cut Pro X 10.


x and a few essential editing techniques.


com]Author Diana Weynand demonstrates documentary editing in a real-world project, breaking down the process into a series of manageable steps and milestones.

After reviewing existing footage, explore how to build and define a narrative, assemble rough cuts, and create motion graphics.

Then see how to adjust B-roll shots, incorporate color correction and audio mixing techniques, and export the final movie.




Final Cut Pro X 纪录片剪辑教程 Lynda Documentary Editing with Final Cut Pro X的图片1

发布日期: 2014-11-05