【教程介绍】在这期教程中将学习在AE软件中如何在实拍素材中模拟合成具有未来科技信息菜单,详细的介绍了每个科技元素的制作过程,部分制作涉及到表达式,用到AE很多图形工具,特效的制作非常的细腻独特,用到了很多技巧操作,为了让合成达到更好的效果,后续还对特效做了很多细节上的处理,教程的力求用最简单的方式轻松创建复杂的动画,如果你喜欢这样的效果,不妨试试!AE教程为高清视频教程,英语对白无中文字幕,文件6.6G(含工程素材)This course is a follow-up course to Designing Futuristic Menus in Illustrator.
If you have any interest in learning how to make all of the pieces that we will be animating, you may want to watch that first.
We start out by importing all of the assets in the various ways that will best interface with after effects for animation.
We then learn how to make the pieces move with the actors motions and how to use expressions to make some of the secondary pieces have visual interest as they rotate, scroll, and reveal.
Towards the end of the course, we go over some great compositing tips for making your menu look better integrated with your shot.
This course will teach you how to efficiently animate multiple objects and maintain visual consistency that mimics the design of a real life interface.
【教程下载】BT种子高速下载推荐:AE模版:高科技信息化动态UI元素包 VH Quantum HUD Infographic
发布日期: 2015-01-13