【插件介绍】FXHOME公司宣布了该公司一款全新的产品:HitFilm插件,这将使得首次在After Effects, Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro X (FCPX), Motion 和 Vegas Pro中拥有HitFilm效果。
HitFilm插件将在本月底正式面向消费者,插件可兼容Mac和Win平台(这里仅提供Win破解版)•HitFilm共集成130款插件•兼容Mac和Win主机平台,并支持After Effects, Premiere Pro, FCPX 和 Vegas Pro软件•支持GPU加速•HitFilm插件种类繁多,从特效合成、跟踪到调色•先进的键控/抠像技术•各种各样的光效效果•尖端的烟火效果、火灾模拟、雷电等•电影分级和视觉增强功能·FXHOME HITFILM PLUGINS V1.0.3716 FOR AE/PR/OFX/VegasEffects & compositing(效果与合成)The 130 HitFilm Plugins have been selected to provide power, flexibility and value.
Explore 3D muzzle flashes, distortion and warp effects, 3D extrusion, rolling shutter correction, temporal manipulation and much more.
超过130种特效效果,譬如:qiang火插件,失真扭曲效果,三维挤压,变形校正,等Organic particle arrays(有机粒子阵列)Create complex systems of thousands of particles with extensive fractal shape and dispersion controls.
Keying & matte generation(键控抠像&蒙版生成)Composite layers using professional chroma key, integrated spill suppression, procedural light wrap, matte clean-up, channel controls and fine color correction.
Lights & flares(灯光&耀斑效果)Design beautiful lens flares and add procedural lens dirt, anamorphic streaks, volumetric light rays and high detail glows.
Fully customizable and can be used individually or in combination.
【插件下载】Ae/Pr/Vegas特效合成套装插件 FXhome HitFilm plugins v1.0.3716(Win64)(插件由Team VR团队破解,一键安装即可使用)
发布日期: 2015-02-07