【预设介绍】MovieType for Element 3D– a huge collection of Element 3D presets and After Effects tools for creating dynamic, movie trailer-style graphics fast.
MovieType includes over 1000 combined presets, 3D backgrounds, material, light and camera settings, AE projects, 6 video lessons and much more.
官方介绍:_http://motionworks.net/shop/movietype-for-element-3d/AE插件 Element 3D 文字预设包 Motionworks MovieType for Element 3D,一套非常强大的Element 3D预设大礼包(800m)。
这次更新主要支持 Element 3D V2 新版本MotionWorks出品的MovieType E3D版本包,包含:· 220个3D文字预设· 60组摄像机预设– 450组材质预设– 150组倒角预设– 35组3D背景– 1个AE脚本– 64组AE合成 (摄像机和灯光绑定效果)– 6个使用视频教程– MoBacks ~ 56 组高清运动图形(MG)背景 Motion Graphics Backgrounds for After Effects.(下载地址)
适用软件和插件:软件:Adobe After Effects CS6 或者CC版本插件:VideoCoPilot Element 3D 1.6.2 或v2 更高版本
【预设下载】AE插件 Element 3D 文字预设包 MotionWorks MovieType
发布日期: 2015-02-16