CG数据库 >> 第1,2季:C4D高级特效案例讲解教程 Cinema4D Advanced Production Techniques

【教程介绍】Cinema4d Advanced Production Techniques 是一套高级的商业C4D特效教程,教程涉及内容包括:运动图形,Mograph, Xpresso,Python,Advanced MoGraph,Xpresso,Turbulence FD,Krakatoa,工作流程,建模,Vray渲染,NPR渲染,粒子效果,插件使用……大众脸站长推荐教程,多位高级设计师协作制作教程,适用C4D高级使用用户,新手可能不太适合,教程效果是非常出色!!!教程为高清视频教程,英语对白,无中文字幕。


一般站内分享的教程为高清视频教程,如果有一定的软件基础知识,我想学习是不成问题的,前提是你愿意去花时间深入~~~)如果LookAE网站你也可以自愿赞助我们点击赞助网站Cinema4d Advanced Production Techniques is back. The highly anticipated follow up from the 2 day intensive seminar in Berlin will surprise even hard core C4D users. Physically based rendering, Advanced MoGraph, Xpresso, Turbulence FD, Krakatoa and a full Python course. Loaded with tips and tricks for optimization, in depth shading techniques and cases from real productions this series takes of where the first one left. An exclusive session with the Arnold render has been added and a Houdini Engine presentation will follow as soon as it becomes available. Stay tuned!

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第1,2季:C4D高级特效案例讲解教程 Cinema4D Advanced Production Techniques的图片1

发布日期: 2015-04-01