CG数据库 >> AE教程:空间三维图形Trapcode Mir 2 插件新功能使用教程

【教程介绍】Trapcode Mir 2  终于出正式版了,Trapcode MIR 插件是 Red Giant Trapcode Suite(粒子套装)中的一款插件,和 Particular ,Form ,Shine 同属一个套装,能够创建快速制作渲染出具有三维属性的运动图形,3D功能:如分形噪声,失真,流体,纹理映射,重复几何,光合成,多边形网格。

MIR 能生成对象的阴影或流动的有机元素,抽象景观和星云结构, 以及精美的灯光和深度。

灵活和有趣的动作设计让你的后期制作更加简单,插件支持OpenGL 加速。

插件支持WIN和MAC平台: Adobe After Effects CS5 – CC 2014如果你想更加直观的了解新版插件是特征,那么可以下载视频教程观看Mir v2 插件新特性:改善优化插件在 Mac OSX中内存BUG问题增加了显存数量添加无缝循环的分形噪声增加新的分形类型(Regular, Multi, SmoothRidge, Multi SmoothRidge)提高纹理采集和纹理细节添加物体表面纹理过滤器优化了MAC和WIN的显存数量解决发现闪烁问题(分形>平滑法线)渲染速度提高三倍以上能够Z景深控制线框图控制提供多边图形(Found under Geometry>Tesselation)更多特性就不一一列出TRAPCODE MIR 2 – 更新Mir 2 adds the ability to spiralize the mesh, deforming the surface with spiral rotation.

Trapcode Mir 2 now includes the ability to create seamless looping fractal-based backgrounds.

Choose between quad or triangle-based polygons for your surfaces.

Add a second-pass wire-frame on top of your Mir surface.

Great for creating grid overlays on terrains and more.

Choose one of three modes for texture sampling.

Choose “Nearest” for an unfiltered rendering, “Linear” to smooth gradients, and “Solid Face” to give each polygon a single color.

Take control of the displacement by setting Z-Range minimums and maximums.

Great for creating plateaus and craters on your surfaces.

Choose from 4 different types of Fractal Distortions for varying displacements of the mesh: Regular, Multi, SmoothRidge, Multi SmoothRidge.

Mir 2 includes many performance enhancements including up to 3x optimized rendering speeds and improved VRAM management.

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AE教程:空间三维图形Trapcode Mir 2 插件新功能使用教程的图片1

发布日期: 2015-10-29