CG数据库 >> Win/Mac/Linux版:Vegas/OFX/HitFilm 版级慢动作变速插件:Twixtor Pro 6.2.3

【插件介绍】Twixtor Pro 插件又更新啦,,超级慢动作插件:Twixtor Pro 6.2.3Twixtor Pro变速插件是Vision Effects公司比较有名的比较流行的一款插件,它能够”无极”的减慢、加速或变更连续图像的帧速,来带给你惊人的视觉效果,支持 Win/Mac/Linux 平 台:Vegas Pro 10.

0d and up.

64-bit only.

Movie Studio 11.0 and up. 64-bit onlyHitFilm 3.


0576 and up.

Natron v1 and up. 64-bit onlyCatalyst Edit 2015.



104 and up.

不支持 NUKE, Scratc6.2.3 版本新功能:-修正插件在使用遮罩(foreground matte)下的BUG错误– Fixes a bug where Twixtor Pro can crash when using a foreground matte.

– Fixes a bug where ClampTime prints out an error message in some host applications where it simply should silently not load.


【插件下载】含注册码Vegas/OFX/HitFilm 版级慢动作变速插件:Twixtor Pro 6.2.3

Win/Mac/Linux版:Vegas/OFX/HitFilm 版级慢动作变速插件:Twixtor Pro 6.2.3的图片1

发布日期: 2016-03-19