教程分为13个小节,约2.5小时,学习快速制作场景动画,了解矢量图形技巧This course shows specific work flow techniques using some free and paid for scripts which will accelerate any job you do in After Effects, particularly large jobs with lots and lots of layers. I do it in the ocntect of informaiton graphics but any project can benefit from these approaches. Project, Layer, and key frame management and simplification are vital to allow you to keep your workflow creative and not get bogged down which is a very very common fate for After Effects artists. Liberate your workflow!官网地址:https://www.udemy.com/information-graphics/
【教程下载】AE教程:MG运动图表制作合成技巧 Udemy – Motion Infographics Tricks in After Effects
发布日期: 2016-03-29