NextLimit Maxwell Render Plugins Pack 01.09.2015 (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 2.62 Gb
Maxwell Render Nextlimit company is an independent system of visualization (rendering) of three-dimensional objects, which is based on the principle of “no assumptions”. That is, it is based on the physical properties of light and surfaces. Since the program uses the equation of the wave theory of light, it is possible to visualize three-dimensional scenes with unprecedented quality.
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NextLimit 麦克斯韦呈现插件包 01.09.2015 (赢/Mac/Lnx) |2.62 Gb
麦克斯韦尔呈现 Nextlimit 公司是可视化的独立系统 (渲染) 三维物体,这可视化的基于"没有假设"的原则。那就是,它基于光与表面的物理性质。因为程序使用光的波动理论的方程,它是可能想象与前所未有的高质量的三维场景。