Rankin Audio Future Beats And RnB 2 WAV | 603 Mb
After the massively popular 'Future Beats and RNB pack', Rankin Audio are finally back with another soulful slice of bassy beat goodness. Taking inspiration from a wide range of styles, from RNB to Dubstep, Hip-Hop to Chill Trap, artists such as Flume and Mr Carmack have been taking Future bass music to new places and the style is touching the souls of more people than ever before.
As always the pack contains everything you will need to make organic, soulful bass music. Uplifting soaring synth chords, beautifully atmospheric musical loops, crunchy lo-fi plucks and lush evolving pads will provide you with a wide range of moods and musical ideas, ready to slot straight in or to inspire a new direction for a track.
A huge selection of drum loops, with their thudding kicks, organic claps and eclectic percussion loops, along with the warm and weighty bass loops and oneshots, create the perfect head-knodding rhythms. Of course if you'd rather create your own drum tracks from scratch then you'll be able to straight away with over 120 of the finest oneshot drum samples - crunchy snares and claps, lo-fi subby kicks and all sorts of percussion hits will ensure that each beat you craft sounds professional and as fresh as the last.
Then, for the cherry on top we've included those little things that will raise eyebrows, chopped vocals, processed rhythmic foley loops, organic fx loops, drum fills and atmospheric fx oneshots. All designed to chuck straight in to give the decoration for your Future Beat creations.
- 24 Bit Quality
- 934MB
- 90 Drum Loops
- 123 Drum Oneshots
- 35 Fx/Vox Loops
- 22 Fx Oneshots
- 60 Melodic Loops
- 50 Melodic Oneshots
- 24 Pads
- 40 Bassloops
- 36 Bass Oneshots
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兰金音频未来节拍和 RnB 2 WAV |603 mb
后大规模流行 '未来胜过和 RNB 包',兰金音频有最后回到另一个深情切片的低音加重加深打败善良。灵感来自广泛的风格,从高音到 Dubstep,嘻哈和冷静的陷阱,画家水槽、 议员麦克所采取的未来低音音乐到新的地方和作风感人至深的比以往更多的人的灵魂。
因为总是包包含一切您需要使有机、 深情的低音音乐。令人振奋的飙升 synth 和弦,精美大气的音乐圈,嘎吱嘎吱的低保真拽着和郁郁葱葱的演变垫将为您提供广泛的情绪和音乐的想法,准备直接在插槽或激发轨道的新方向。
一个巨大的选择的循环鼓,轰轰踢、 有机掌声与折衷打击乐循环,以及温暖和重低音回路和oneshots,创建完美的头 knodding 节奏。当然如果你会宁愿从头开始创建自己的鼓轨道然后你会马上能与超过 120 最好的 oneshot 鼓样品-嘎吱嘎吱的陷阱和零星的掌声,低保真subby 踢和各种打击乐命中将确保每个节拍工艺听专业和上次一样新鲜。
然后,在上面我们已经包括了樱桃会扬起眉毛,切碎的声音,那些小事情处理节奏 foley 循环、 有机 fx 循环、 鼓填充和大气 fx oneshots。所有的设计都要扔掉直在给你未来击败创作的装饰。
-24 位质量
-934 MB
-90 循环鼓
-123 鼓 Oneshots
-35 Fx/Vox 循环
-22 Fx Oneshots
-60 的旋律循环
-50 的旋律 Oneshots
-24 垫
-40 Bassloops
-36 低音 Oneshots