Title: Ripple Training – Color Correction in Premiere Pro CC 2015
In this training we’ll take the mystery out of reading video scopes to better judge and correct your images. You’ll explore Premiere Pro’s powerful new Lumetri Color Effects panel which allows you to quickly and easily perform basic corrections such as improving color balance, contrast, and the dynamic range of your images.
You’ll learn how to use Curves to fine-tune contrast and adjust specific colors using the powerful and intuitive Hue/Saturation wheel. You’ll learn how to use masks to isolate your corrections to specific parts of an image and then use Premiere’s tracker to automate the traditionally painstaking process of having these corrections follow subjects when they move during a shot.
This course will teach you how to mix Premiere’s Legacy color effects with the new Lumetri Color Effect to relight and further enhance your images. You’ll learn how to apply and work with LUTs – LookUp Tables – to quickly balance intentionally flat images that were shot with cameras such as Blackmagic, Red, Canon, Nikon,and GoPro. And finally, this training explores the best workflows for using Premiere’s native Looks, and creating and saving your own Looks.
标题: 纹波培训 — — 色彩校正首演临 CC 2015 年
在这次培训中,我们将采取神秘面纱阅读视频的范围,更好地判断并更正您的图像。你将探索首映 Pro 强大新 Lumetri 颜色效果面板使您能够快速方便地执行基本的更正,如改善色彩平衡、 对比度和动态范围的图像。
这门课将教你如何搭配首映的遗产色彩效果与新的 Lumetri 色彩效果,点燃并进一步加强您的图像。您将学习如何应用和下尿路症状 — — 查找表 — — 被枪杀与现在、 红色、 佳能、尼康,GoPro 的照相机的故意平面图像的快速平衡工作。最后,这种培训的最佳工作流使用首映的本机看起来,和探索创建和保存您自己看起来。