CG数据库 >> 超级英雄战斗场景绘制从开始到结束


Drawing a Superhero fight scene from start to finish

MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 93 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 2 Hours | 682 MB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Learn how to draw superheroes with dynamic actions.

Welcome to the course Drawing a Superhero fight from start to finish. My name is Luis and I´m really excited to have the opportunity to share with you the process I follow when I create a complete rendered pencil drawing, specifically when I draw a superhero character. In this course you will learn several techniques that you can apply when you want to draw superheroes. Actually you can apply these techniques to virtually any drawing you make. I will show you how use a drawing plan by dividing the process into logical steps. I divided the course into several videos that correspond to every stage.

It is very important to know the drawing theory though at the same time it is true that drawing is a physical activity that requires learning through observation and practice.

What am I going to get from this course?

Over 15 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!

Choose the most dynamic action to your superheroes.

Organize the process of drawing to facilitate the task


MP4 |视频: 1280 x 720 |93 kbps |44 kHz |持续时间: 2 小时 |682 MB

类型: 电子学习 |语言: 英语


欢迎来到画超级英雄战斗从开始到结束的过程。我的名字叫 Luis 和 I´m 确实很兴奋能有机会与你分享我遵循创建完整呈现的铅笔来画,特别是当我画一个超级英雄人物时的过程。在本课程中,您将学习时你想画超级英雄可以应用的几种技术。其实你可以将这些技术应用到你做几乎任何绘图。我将告诉你如何使用绘图计划通过将过程划分成逻辑步骤。我把课程分成几个视频,对应于每个阶段。



超过 15 个讲座和 1.5 小时的内容!

