CG数据库 >> 音乐音效下载Synthation Producers Collection Vol.1 + Vol.2 Bundle MULTiFORMAT-BSOUNDZ

音乐音效下载Synthation Producers Collection Vol.1 + Vol.2 Bundle MULTiFORMAT-BSOUNDZ的图片1



| 01/11/09 | 483.42 MB + 1.69 GB

Synthation Producer's Collection is one of the most inspiring sample archives ever. Ultimate sounds for all producers of trance & tech-trance.

Synthation Producer's Collection Vol. 1:

Synthation Producer's Collection is one of the most inspiring .WAV sample archives ever. Ultimate sounds for all producers of trance & tech-trance: State-of-the-art drum samples, Wicked percussions, and more than 300 absolutely exclusive unheard-of audio loops! A true must-have for every producer!

- Absolutely top-notch club content

- more than 300 unheard-of state-of-the-art drum loops, all precisely pitched to the same tempo

- inspiring new drum and percussion samples

- Useful and sophisticated sound fx

- including pre-mapped kits for Native instruments BATTERY 3 & BATTERY 2

- pre-mapped kits for LOGICs internal EXS24 sampler

- The new reference cd for all producers of Trance, Techtrance and harder electronic styles

Details: is back with a vengeance! The Producer's Collection cd series marks a new milestone for innovative and up-to-date club music production. Punchy drums, sophisticated percussions and loops, so much better than the standard sampling cd stuff we are all bored from. This cd will definitely set a true benchmark in terms of sound and sample quality.

Synthation Producer's Collection Vol. 2:

The definitive .wav sample and loop archive for leading producers of electro-house, tech-house and minimal. 350 fresh loops covering the latest dancefloor trends plus more than 1100 club-tested single drums and percussion one-shots - Ready to grrove. Including pre-mapped kits for Battery 2 & 3 and Logic EXS24.

- sample and loop collection for leading producer's of electro house, tech house and minimal

- more than 1000 drums and percussions plus 350 absolutely new loops - ready to groove!

- all loops = 128 bpm

- different tempo is easy: Rex and Stylus files included!

- multi fortmat dvd, containing .wav samples, Acidiced .wav, Apple Loops, EXS24 kits, Halion kits, Battery 2&3 kits, Reason, REX files and loops for Ableton

- Your new reference tool for professional club music production



|09/1/11 |483.42 MB + 1.69 GB

Synthation 生产者集合是最鼓舞人心的样本档案之一。所有生产者的恍惚 & 科技恍惚的终极声音。

Synthation 生产者集合第 1 卷:

Synthation 生产者的集合是一个最鼓舞人心。WAV 样本过档案。最终所有生产者的恍惚 & 科技恍惚的声音: 国家艺术鼓样品、 恶人的打击乐和超过 300 绝对独家前所未闻音频循环!真正必须拥有的每一家制造商!


-超过 300 前所未闻的国家---艺术鼓循环,都正是音调相同的节奏



-包括预映射的包本机仪器电池 3 & 电池 2

-预映射为逻辑内部 EXS24 采样器套件

-新参考裁谈会所有生产者的恍惚、 Techtrance 和难电子样式

详细信息: 是卷土重来!生产者的收集 cd 系列为创新和最新的俱乐部音乐制作一个新的里程碑。强力鼓、 复杂的打击乐和循环,所以比标准采样裁谈会的东西我们是从所有无聊。这张 cd 肯定将设置在声音和样品质量的真正基准。

Synthation 生产者集合第 2 卷:

为主导的电的房子,科技馆和小生产者明确.wav 样品和循环档案。350 新鲜循环覆盖最新的舞池趋势加上 1100 余俱乐部测试单鼓和打击乐一个镜头-准备到 grrove。包括电池 2 & 3 和逻辑 EXS24 预映射的工具包。


-超过 1000年的鼓和打击乐加 350 绝对新循环-准备槽!

-所有的循环 = 128 bpm

-不同的节奏很容易: 雷克斯和手写笔文件包括!

-多 fortmat dvd,包含.wav 样品,Acidiced.wav 苹果循环,EXS24 套件,Halion 套件,电池 2 & 3 套、 原因,雷克斯文件和 Ableton 的循环
