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JixiPix Simply HDR的图片1

JixiPix Simply HDR 3.12 (x86/x64) | 314 MB

This award-winning high dynamic range software instantly creates stunning and mesmerizing imagery from otherwise bland subjects and compositions. Have you ever looked at a well-executed HDR photo, ones with a dramatic sky and incredible detail, and wish you could shoot photography like that? Now you can! With Simply HDR this stunning art form is now accessible to everyone.

Simply HDR—High Dynamic Range Photography Software

Early on photographers were challenged to capture beautiful scenery, seen with their eyes on to film. Now, with Simply HDR photographers and hobbyists can automatically convert their images into ones with unparalleled ranges of light and detail. Gone are the days of multiple images; with Simply HDR one picture is all that is required to add dramatic luminescence detail to the brightest and darkest areas of any scene—the result will be outstanding work that is captivating, mesmerizing, revealing and beautifully detailed.

Simply HDR Features

Six HDR styles and a library of artistic content is everything needed to create both a realistic HDR photo or a stylized one. We have included a handy smoothing brush for easy corrections to noisy skies and halos*, a library of color filters and artistic content for WOW factor, and adjustable vignettes for darkening edges. If this is your first exposure to HDR we suggest using one of the many one-touch settings. Use the settings as they are or play around with the controls to find your own photographic style. If you like the setting you have created, use the ‘save preset’ feature and apply them to your future projects.

HDR Styles

• High Dynamic Range (HDR)

• HD Art

• Black & White HDR

• Contrasted HDR

• Shadows & Light

• Contrasted Light

HDR Includes

• Six High Dynamic Range (HDR) styles

• Control over detail area and strength

• Smoothing brush (desktop) or smoothing slider (mobile)

• Restore brush

• Adjustable vignette

• Film grain

• 45 color filters and gradients

• 70 artistic finishes for HD Art

• 100 One-touch settings

Home Page -

JixiPix 只是 HDR 3.12 (x 86/x 64) |314 MB

此屡获殊荣的高动态范围软件立即创建令人惊叹的和迷人的意象从平淡的科目和成分。你看过执行良好的 HDR 照片,那些与戏剧性的天空和令人难以置信的细节,希望你能像那样拍摄影吗?现在你可以!与简单 HDR 是现在人人这令人惊叹的艺术形式。

只是 HDR — — 高动态范围摄影软件

早在摄影师的挑战捕捉美丽的风光,亲眼目睹其胶片上。现在,只是 HDR 与摄影师和业余爱好者可以自动他们将图像转换成与无与伦比的光和细节的范围。多个图像; 的日子一去不复返只是HDR 与一张图片是所有所需任何现场最亮和最暗区域添加戏剧性发光详细 — — 结果将会是迷人的、 令人着迷的、 发人深省的、 精美细致的杰出工作。

只是 HDR 功能

六 HDR 风格和艺术含量的图书馆是创建逼真的 HDR 照片或一种程式化所需的一切。我们包括方便的平滑刷容易更正嘈杂的天空和晕,彩色滤光片的图书馆和艺术内容哇因子和可调小插曲对于黑暗的边缘。如果这是你第一次接触到 HDR 我们建议使用多个单键设置之一。他们或玩弄要找到你自己的摄影风格的控件使用的设置。如果你喜欢有创建的设置,使用保存预设功能,并将它们应用到你未来的项目。

HDR 风格

• 高动态范围 (HDR)

• 高清艺术

• 黑与白 HDR

• 对比 HDR

• 阴影 & 光

• 对比光

HDR 包括

• 六高动态范围 (HDR) 样式

• 对明细数据区域和强度的控制

• 平滑刷 (桌面) 或平滑滑块 (移动)

• 恢复刷

• 可调节的小插图

• 胶片颗粒

• 45 彩色滤光片和渐变

• 70 艺术完成高清艺术

• 100 个单键设置
