Digital-Tutors Character Interaction in Maya
In this Maya tutorial we will learn how to animate a multi-character interaction with time-saving techniques. We’ll first explore the planning phase of this project, and then dive right in and built the performance from start to finish, learning skills that can be applied to any character. We’ll also create very simple but useful mel scripts to select controls faster, discuss the benefit of choosing suitable rotation orders for control objects, and learn ways to overcome gimbal lock interpolations. By the end of this tutorial, you will have attained the set of skills needed to animate fun and believable character interactions.
在本 Maya 教程我们将学习如何制作动画与节省时间的技术进行多字符的交互。首先,我们将探索这一项目的规划阶段,然后潜水等权利,建立从开始到结束,性能学习的技能,可以应用于任何字符。我们还将创建非常简单但有用的 mel 脚本更快、 选择控件讨论选择适合旋转订单为控制对象的利益和学习如何克服万向节锁插补。本教程结束时,你将获得乐趣和可信的人物相互作用进行动画处理所需的技能集。