Photography Projects For A Rainy Weekend
MP4 | AVC 940kbps | English | 1280x720 | 25fps | 2 hours | AAC stereo 55kbps | 724 MB
Genre: Video Training
Easy indoor photography ideas you can do around the house, from self portraits to food to use of flowers and water. Photography Projects For A Rainy Weekend is a course designed to give you new indoor photography ideas and techniques around your home. Being stuck at home during bad weather doesn't mean you can't create visually interesting photos. Over the almost 2 hours of video tutorials on indoor photography we'll look at ideas for self-portraits, food and drink photography, product photography and some creative techniques with water, flowers and smoke. Also included are PDF lighting diagrams describing the light source and positioning and some DIY indoor photography ideas that allow you to make your own photography gear.
MP4 |AVC 940 kbps |英语 |1280 x 720 |25 帧/秒 |2 小时 |AAC 立体声 55 kbps |724MB
体裁: 视频培训
你可以做的家务,从自我画像食物花和水的使用容易室内摄影理念。摄影项目为阴雨绵绵的周末课程,是设计来给你新的室内摄影理念和技术,在你家附近。在坏天气困在家里并不意味着你不能创建视觉上有趣的照片。在近 2 个小时的室内摄影的视频教程我们会用水、 花、 烟看自画像、 食物和饮料摄影、 产品摄影和一些创造性的技术思路。此外包括 PDF 照明图描述光源和定位和一些 DIY 室内摄影的想法,让你做出你自己的摄影装备。