CG数据库 >> Lynda – Exploring LightroomPower Shortcuts

Lynda – Exploring LightroomPower Shortcuts的图片1

Advanced | 2h 1m | 3.91 GB | Project Files | Software used: Lightroom

Info: Take the shortcut! Work faster and more efficiently in Lightroom with this collection of keyboard and mouse shortcuts from photographer and educator Chris Orwig. Switch screen modes and panels, import photos faster, delete unwanted images, rate and filter photos, crop smarter, develop more beautiful images, sync settings, reapply adjustments, and more—all with the touch of a button or key. Chris also points you toward resources for learning more, including a website where you can download all known Lightroom shortcuts for free.

先进的 |2 h 1 m |3.91 GB |项目文件 |使用软件: Lightroom

信息: 采取快捷方式!与此集合的键盘和鼠标快捷方式从摄影师和教育家 Chris OrwigLightroom 工作更快和更有效。切换屏幕模式和面板,导入照片更快,删除不需要的图像,率和滤清器的照片,作物更聪明,开发更多美丽的形象,同步设置,重新调整,和更多 — — 所有与按钮或键的触摸。Chris 也指出你对学习更多,资源包括一个网站,在那里你可以免费下载所有已知的 Lightroom 快捷方式。