CG数据库 >> 野生动物摄影


野生动物摄影: 如何关闭

MP4 |视频: 960 x 540 |85 kbps |44 kHz |持续时间: 3 小时 |2.81 GB

类型: 电子学习 |语言: 英语

不愿科目,随机的机会,偏远地区 — — 克服这些障碍来拍亲质量野生动物照片。


本课程演示仍然摄影师和摄像师如何接近生活,野生的科目,在其自然栖息地。作者的 35 年的专业野生动物摄影经验被分成简单和廉价的方式来帮助你启动你的令人兴奋的作品集。您将学习如何找到野生动物"热点";如何生成和使用天然或便携式百叶窗;如何使用动物的感觉和行为对摄影的优势;游戏要求技术;以及如何使用动物迁徙和生命周期,为更好的图片。您将学习技巧,产生立即和令人惊叹的结果。



Wildlife Photography: How To Get Close

MP4 | Video: 960x540 | 85 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 3 Hours | 2.81 GB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Unwilling subjects, random chances, remote locations – overcome these obstacles to shoot pro-quality wildlife photos.

Wildlife photography is among filming's greatest challenges. At its best, it occurs in wild places and conditions, deals with shy subjects, offers no possibility for shooter-subject communication or direction, and seldom allows "scheduling" for best conditions. Even so, it's not simply random; proper knowledge helps you achieve consistent success in this highly-rewarding pursuit.

This course shows both still photographers and videographers how to get close to living, wild subjects in their natural habitats. The author's 35 years of professional wildlife photography experience are broken into simple and inexpensive ways to help you jump-start your own exciting portfolio. You'll learn to find wildlife "hotspots"; how to build and use natural or portable blinds; how to use animals' senses and behaviors to photographic advantage; game calling techniques; and how to use animal migrations and life cycles for better pictures. You'll learn tricks that produce immediate and stunning results.

This is not a camera class, though equipment considerations are discussed as needed. This class is unique in providing real tips for engaging the natural world on its own terms. You'll quickly discover that such knowledge is far more valuable than owning expensive gear. In fact, using this information may allow surprisingly good imagery with even point-and-shoot cameras.

Whether your interest is making money through publication, sharing through programs, or simply to satisfy your favorite hobby, this wildlife course pays for itself many times over. Take it and make your own great wildlife pictures!