琳达-Photoshop 摄影师: 创造性的影响
MP4 |AVC 255 kbps |英语 |1280 x 800 |15 fps |4 h 57mins |AAC 单 128 kbps |1.16GB
体裁: 视频培训
本课程提供加强的照片与在 Photoshop 中最受欢迎的创意效果的实用指南。摄影师、 作者和老师 Chris Orwig 演示如何修改颜色和光来添加自然饱和度,戏剧,并突出重点。他然后探讨了模糊效果,包括 Photoshop 模糊画廊和运动模糊,增加深度的字段、 添加柔和的焦点,或使你仍然图像移动。课程还介绍背后数码红外摄影技术,并详细介绍了各种可以添加照片很流行的模拟效果的影响: 电影粮食模拟、 复古的单色和彩色效果,和边框与边缘效应。最后的章节显示如何使用 Photoshop 的自定义笔刷和插件的创意效果。
结合 HDR (高动态范围) 色调与色彩效果
执行 HDR 色调和黑白转换
Lynda - Photoshop for Photographers: Creative Effects
MP4 | AVC 255kbps | English | 1280x800 | 15fps | 4h 57mins | AAC mono 128kbps | 1.16 GB
Genre: Video Training
This course provides a practical guide to enhancing photos with the most popular creative effects in Photoshop. Photographer, author, and teacher Chris Orwig shows how to modify color and light to add vibrance, drama, and emphasis. He then explores blur effects, including the Photoshop Blur Gallery and motion blur, to increase depth-of-field, add a softer focus, or make your still images move. The course also introduces the techniques behind digital infrared photography, and details a variety of effects that can add the popular analog look to photos: film grain simulations, vintage monochrome and color effects, and border and edge effects. The final chapters show how to use Photoshop's custom brushes and plug-ins for creative effects.
Topics include:
Combining HDR (high dynamic range) toning with color effects
Improving color with Curves and Color Balance
Creating drama with lighting effects
Adding realistic lens flare
Creating a luminance blur
Blending and masking in motion
Performing HDR toning and black and white conversions
Combining infrared with contrast and sharpness
Crafting vintage color
Adding borders and edges to a photo
Finding and installing custom brushes and plug-ins