描述: 大量的黑色: 张鲁 & Jason 万利肖像卷 2-亚洲男性
这一系列的由受过训练的中国艺术家张鲁肖像下惊人下载。Jason 万利提供英语旁述,而张路描绘了一系列的亚洲男性画像以惊人的速度和准确性。
多个肖像建立了同时在屏幕上,Jason 讨论中创建任何种族的现实团长的关键因素。任何人有兴趣发展坚实和肖像画的有效途径将收集很多从密切研究这个视频。
语言: 英语
使用软件: Photoshop
60 分钟
Quicktime 格式 1280 × 720 (mp4)
Description: Massive Black: Zhang Lu & Jason Manley Portraits Volume 2 - Asian Males
The next amazing download in this series of portraits by Chinese trained artist ZhangLu. Jason Manley provides the English narration while Zhang Lu paints a series of Asian male portraits with remarkable speed and accuracy.
Multiple portraits are built up simultaneously on the screen as Jason discusses the key factors in creating realistic heads of any race. Anyone interested in developing a solid and efficient approach to portraiture will glean much from a close study of this video.
Language: English
Software used: Photoshop
Intermediate Level
60 minutes
Quicktime Format 1280x720 (mp4)