琳达-从 Flash 迁移到边缘动画 |573 MB
持续时间: 2 h 27 m |视频: AVC (.mp4) 1280 × 720 30fps |音频: AAC 44.1 k h z1chGenre: 电子学习 |级别: 中级 |语言: 英语
你是经验丰富的 Flash 开发搁浅或转移到 HTML5、 CSS 和 JavaScript 所留下的感觉吗?窗体的边缘进行动画处理,转化成代码的 Flash 的易用性还有希望。观看本课程和学习如何使发展中国家在 Flash 中和边缘进行动画处理,之间的连接,然后对更现代的 web 开发流程进行飞跃。
杰克 Ströh 解释了如何,网络已经进化从闪光,同时指出关键异同在边缘进行动画处理,使迁移有时两个光滑和具有挑战性。他演示如何重新创建简单的 Flash 横幅广告内边缘进行动画处理,走过应该很熟悉 Flash 的开发,如关键帧参数和使用符号和嵌套时间线的任务。文本、音频和视频工作以不同的方式在边缘进行动画处理,所以杰克还花时间在那些技术。然后他会通过开发交互式的手机原型,接受从触摸屏输入的过程中工作。当你完成了时,你应该有你需要迁移到边缘进行动画处理,并开始构建辜负现代标准的 web 项目的工具。
* 了解 Flash 和对 HTML5 演变的历史
* 接口、 关键帧和资产管理的比较
* 重新创建一个 Flash 项目在边缘进行动画处理
* 使用 web 字体和 CSS 字体样式在边缘进行动画处理
* 添加交互性与 JavaScript 行动
* 使用 HTML5 视频
* 发展为触摸屏
* 转换为 HTML5 主权财富基金,与第三方工具
Lynda - Migrating from Flash to Edge Animate | 573MB
Duration: 2h 27m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 44.1KHz 1chGenre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English
Are you an experienced Flash developer feeling stranded or left behind by the shift to HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript? There's hope yet, in the form of Edge Animate, which translates Flash's ease of use into code. Watch this course and learn how to make the connections between developing in Flash and in Edge Animate, and then make the leap to a more modern web development workflow.
Jake Ströh explains how the web has evolved away from Flash, while pointing out key similarities and differences in Edge Animate that make migrating at times both smooth and challenging. He shows how to re-create a simple Flash banner ad inside of Edge Animate, walking through tasks that should be familiar to Flash developers, like keyframing parameters and working with symbols and nested timelines. Text, audio, and video work differently in Edge Animate, so Jake also spends time on those techniques. Then he'll work through the process of developing an interactive mobile prototype that accepts input from touch screens. When you're done, you should have the tools you need to migrate to Edge Animate and start building web projects that live up to modern standards.
Topics include:
* Understanding the history of Flash and the evolution toward HTML5
* Comparing the interface, keyframing, and asset management
* Re-creating a Flash project in Edge Animate
* Working with web fonts and CSS font styles in Edge Animate
* Adding interactivity with JavaScript actions
* Working with HTML5 video
* Developing for touch screens
* Converting SWFs to HTML5 with third-party tools