教程英文名称:Digital-Tutors Creating an Alien Helmet in V-Ray for Maya and NUKE
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程使用软件:Agisoft Photoscan Standard Edition 1.1.2, PFTrack 2015.1.1 , NUKEX9.0v6, mocaPro 4 & MochaImport+
教程作者:Lars Wemmje
数字导师为玛雅人和核弹在 V-射线创造一个外星人的头盔
在这个核弹教程中,我们将讨论如何融入真人版 3D 的头盔。
一些主要的主题,我们将讨论在本课程中将包括摄影测量 PhotoScan,PFTrack,底纹,灯光和渲染在 V-射线为玛雅人和在 NUKE 合成跟踪的对象。
这种核弹培训结束时,你将有更深了解如何将您自己的 3D 资产纳入真人板。
Course name: Maya and Nuke the alien helmet special effects video tutorial
English name of the tutorial: Digital-Tutors Creating an Alien Helmet in v-Ray for Maya andNUKE
Tutorial production agency: Digital-Tutors
Tour length: 1 hour 43 minutes
Course format: MP4 attached project source
Tutorial using thesoftware:AgisoftPhotoscanStandardEdition1.1.2,PFTrack2015.1.1,NUKEX9.0v6,mocaPro4&MochaImport+
Tutorial author: Lars Wemmje
Course language: English
Digital-Tutors Creating an Alien Helmet in V-Ray for Maya and NUKE
In this NUKE tutorial, we’ll discuss how to integrate a 3D helmet into a live action plate.
Some of the major topics that we will be discussing throughout this course will include photogrammetry in PhotoScan, object tracking in PFTrack, shading, lighting and rendering in V-Ray for Maya and compositing in NUKE.
By the end of this NUKE training, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to integrate your own 3D assets into a live action plate.