教程英文名称:Skillshare Create Your Own Cartoon Characters Today Maya Training Essentials
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程作者:Joseph Parson
在此过程中,作者约瑟夫评论角色设计的基础知识,并演示如何以模型的身体、 手臂和腿的字符和添加细节,如面部特征。他还详细信息如何 UV 映射到您无缝应用的纹理和材料,在使用 Adobe Photoshop 和玛雅的 3D 油漆工具课程的最后一章中,您将添加的模型。
Course name: Maya cartoon character design tutorial examples
Course English title: Skillshare Create Your Own Cartoon Characters Today Maya TrainingEssentials
Tutorial produced by institutions: Skillshare
Course length: 2 hours
Course format: MP4 attached project source
Tutorial using the software: Maya
Tutorial author: Joseph Parson
Course language: English
Skillshare Create Your Own Cartoon Characters Today Maya Training Essentials
In this course, author Joseph reviews the basics of character design, and shows how to model the body, arms, and legs of a character and add details such as facial features. He also details how to UV map your model for seamless application of textures and materials, which you’ll add in the last chapter of the course using Adobe Photoshop and Maya’s own 3D Paint tool.