CG数据库 >> Maya超级剑气粒子特效实例训练视频教程



教程英文名称:Digital-Tutors Simulating a Fluid Driven Particle System in Maya



教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件

教程使用软件:Maya 2015

教程作者:Pankaj Malik



在此过程中,我们将模拟玛雅人的强大的流体动力学粒子系统的速度场。本课程将导致一个新的水平,正确理解和运用中数以百万计的粒子,并将引领观众通过使用玛雅动力学能量效应的影响。在此过程中,,将学习两种独特方法模拟能量效应以及学习重要底纹网络渲染软件渲染粒子的玛雅人。通过这次培训结束时,你会准备好你自己的驱动流体粒子系统进行了仿真。所需软件: 玛雅 2015年。

Course name: Super sword Maya particle effects tutorial examples

English name of the tutorial: Digital-Tutors Simulating a Fluid Driven Particle System inMaya

Tutorial production agency: Digital-Tutors

Tour length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Course format: MP4 attached project source

Tutorial using the software: Maya 2015

Tutorial author: Pankaj Malik

Course language: English

Digital-Tutors Simulating a Fluid Driven Particle System in Maya

In this course, we’ll be simulating the velocity fields of Maya’s powerful fluid dynamics for the particle system. This course will lead to a new level of understanding and handling of particles in the millions and will take viewers through the impact of energy effects using Maya dynamics. Throughout this course, you will learn two unique methods of simulating an energy effect as well as learn the important shading networks for rendering software render particles of Maya. By the end of this training, you will be ready to simulate your own fluid-driven particle system. Software required: Maya 2015.