VON.G | 2013-07-05 | 3.14GB
The forgotten zither is one of the most complex and varied sounding instruments that we’ve come across in our junk shop travels.
This is a fretless German harp zither, which differs in quality significantly from concert zithers, which have several strings with fretted necks beneath them. This version was manufactured by Friederich Menzenhauer, the father of the zither in the US. Zithers of this kind are notoriously difficult to identify because they contain no distinguishing marks on the bodies themselves, and the only branding is on the paper label deteriorating inside the soundhole.
Our version had been worn beyond all repair through decades of age and neglect. Broken strings, creaky wood and a great resonant cavity gave us a massive collection of sounds ready to be bent and twisted.
We did much more than just throw a couple of mics up and pluck – this instrument was recorded with a stethoscope mic, a lav inside the cavity, overhead xy, room mics, and more. We banged, scraped, bowed, ebowed, and thumped every last noise out of this one in three separate sessions. The end result was a collection of about 5 Gb of edited stereo 24 bit 96k sound.
The Kontakt instruments are where the real magic happens with this instrument. There are presets for horror string hits, angelic and demonic pads, old creaks and more. The zither barely survived, but it gave us an array of sounds that are very different from what you’ll get from a properly tuned and maintained instrument. It is the uniqueness of the decay that gives our zither its character.
Full Collection:
24 bit 96k metadata tagged wav files
88 unique articulation groups
10 + performances per articulation
29 Kontakt unlocked .nki files
.nki files require full version of NI Kontakt 4 or higher
photographs and video stills
冯。G |2013-07-05 |3.14 GB
这是无德国竖琴古筝,不同质量显著从音乐会筝,有几个字符串与焦躁脖子在他们脚下。此版本是由弗雷德里克 Menzenhauer,父亲的古筝在美国生产的。这种筝很难识别,因为它们包含对机构本身,没有识别标志,只有品牌是恶化内音孔和弦之间的纸标签上。
我们做更多只是扔几个中等收入国家,摘下 — — 这一文书录以一个听诊器 mic,lav 里面腔、 架空 xy、 房间麦克,和更多。我们撞、 擦伤、 鞠了一躬,ebowed,和砰砰地每一的噪音消除这三个单独的会话。最终的结果是大约 5 Gb 的编辑立体声 24 位 96 k 声音的集合。
开播文书是借助这一工具,真正的奇迹发生的地方。有预设为恐怖字符串命中、 天使和恶魔垫、 老嘎吱作响。古筝演奏中死里逃生,但它给我们带来了各式各样的声音非常不同于你将得到适当调校和保养的仪器。它是衰变的让我们的古筝其个性的独特性。
24 位 96 k 元数据标记 wav 文件
88 独特关节组
10 + 每关节性能
29 开播解锁.nki 文件
.nki 文件需要完整版的镍开播 4 或更高