CG数据库 >> 琳达-基础摄影专业镜头


Lynda - Foundations of Photography Specialty Lenses

MP4 | AVC 1478kbps | English | 1280x720 | 29.97fps | 3h 50mins | AAC stereo 128kbps | 4.11 GB

Genre: Video Training

Join photographer, author, and teacher Ben Long on location in San Francisco as he explores the creative options provided by the kinds of lenses and lens accessories that don't always make it into most camera bags. The course begins with a look at several common and inexpensive lens attachments, from polarizers to neutral density filters. The course then explores ultra-wide angle and fisheye lenses as well as ultra-long telephoto and macro lenses. The course concludes with a look at tilt-shift lenses, which are useful for architectural photography and special effects, and at offbeat lenses, such as Lensbaby and Holga attachments. The course also contains Photoshop postproduction advice and examples that illustrate the creative possibilities that an expanded lens collection provides. And because some specialty lenses are extremely expensive, the course also contains advice on renting gear.

Topics include:

Understanding Specialty Lenses

Working with Lens Attachments

Working with Wide Angle

Shooting Super Telephoto

Understanding Macro

Using Tilt-Shift Lenses

Exploring Specialized Lenses

Creating Lens Effects Digitally


MP4 |AVC 1478 kbps |英语 |1280 x 720 |29.97 帧 / 秒 |3 小时 50 分钟 |AAC 立体声 128 kbps |4.11 GB

体裁: 视频培训

他探索提供的各种镜头和镜头配件,不总是能使它进入大多数相机袋的创意选项,加入摄影师、 作者和老师奔龙在 San Francisco 的位置。本课程首先看看几个常见和廉价的镜头附件,从中性密度筛选器的偏振镜。课程然后探讨超广角和鱼眼镜头,以及超长的长焦和宏镜片。课程的最后看在移轴镜头,对于建筑摄影和特殊效果很有用,和离奇的镜头,如 Lensbaby 和 Holga 的附件。课程还包含 Photoshop 后期制作建议和说明扩大的镜头集合提供的创作可能性的例子。并且因为一些专业镜头是非常昂贵的课程还包含租赁齿轮的意见。








