Photoshop Car Design: The Easy Way to Car Rendering in PS
Photoshop Car Design: Learn the easy way to sketch and render a car in Photoshop without advanced Photoshop tools.
Are you just starting out with sketching cars in Photoshop? Or are you an automotive design or industrial design student or professional? This course will help you improve your sketching skills which is of great value when building a professional portfolio. I’ll walk you through each step of the process from initial line work to the final render and give you an insight to how it’s done in the design industry.
The course is divided into 4 lectures.
In lecture 1 we go over two different techniques on how to get the proportions of the car down. The reason for this is because without correct proportions from the start, it might end up looking like a toy car.
Photoshop 汽车设计: 在 PS 中车呈现简单的方法
Photoshop 汽车设计: 学习素描和呈现一辆车在 Photoshop 中没有先进的 Photoshop工具的便捷方法。
你刚开始与在 Photoshop 中的草绘车吗?或者你的汽车设计或工业设计专业的学生或专业人士呢?本课程将帮助你提高你草绘的技能,这是很有价值,构建一个专业的投资组合时。我将引导您完成每个步骤的过程从初始行工作到最后的渲染和洞察力给你如何做到在设计行业。
课程分为 4 讲座。
在讲座 1 我们复习两种不同技术如何让汽车的比例。为此原因是因为没有正确的比例,从一开始,它可能看起来像一辆玩具车。