CG数据库 >> 画一个秋天场景在水彩画中七个简单的步骤


Painting a Fall Scene in Watercolors in Seven Easy Steps

.MP4, AVC, 690 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 64 kbps, 2 Ch | 1 hours | 707 MB

Instructor: Tim Buchalka

Paint along with me and learn the secrets, tips and tricks to creating a stunning watercolor painting

* Lectures 9

Do you want to learn how to simplify your watercolor painting? Whether a beginner or an experienced painter wishing to learn new techniques, I will show you, in seven easy-to-follow steps, how to create a stunning fall landscape in watercolors. We won't be painting individual leaves, but rather, I will show you easy techniques to paint the impression of leaves that in my opinion, makes for a more interesting painting that leaves things for the eye to interpret. Paint along with me and create your own masterpiece for you to keep or maybe give as a gift to someone special.


.MP4、 AVC,690 kbps,1280 x 720 |英语、 AAC、 64 kbps,2 Ch |1 小时 |707 MB

教练: Tim Buchalka

和我一起画,学习秘密、 技巧和创造令人惊叹的水彩画

* 讲座 9
