Title: Ripple Training – Getting Started in Motion 5
Getting Started in Motion 5 is our flagship tutorial that sets the groundwork for creating eye-catching motion graphics, titles and effects. Each lesson focuses on building fundamental Motion skills such as working with groups and layers; transforming objects; animating with behaviors and keyframes; keying; using shapes, replicators and image masks; adding titles and publishing templates for Final Cut Pro X. This tutorial is your entrance key to exploring a new world of creative possibilities for your video projects.
标题: 纹波训练 — — 入门运动 5
入门在议案 5 是我们打下了用于创建引人注目的动态图形、 字幕和效果的旗舰教程。每节课的重点是建立基本的运动技能,如使用组和图层;变换对象;动画与行为和关键帧;键控;使用形状、烧录器和图像掩模;添加标题和发布最终削减 Pro X 的模板。本教程是您探索新世界的创造性的可能性,为您的视频项目的入口钥匙。