在一个图形处理流程,包括ZBrush在内内,ClarisseiFX可以链接到其它软件的3D包上,对图形应用所做的属性更改,会自动传送回Clarisse iFX上。
France developer Isotropix ClarisseiFX, this is a new type of 2D/3D software,completely changed the traditional image of the Create method. ClarisseiFX asa 3D Renderer, and animation of 2D layout package into the body, it's role isto help artists develop complexity and Detail-oriented production scene, butfor real time interaction with the final image.
The software allows users to grasp the context for layout, users can drag,delete the geometry instance and materials, continuous observations show thefinal lighting and eDffects effect.
In a graphic process, including within ZBrush, ClarisseiFX can link to other3D software package, apply property changes you have made to a graphic isautomatically transmitted to Clarisse on iFX.
"ClarisseiFX is the most intelligent and the most seamless integration,integrating four different software into a single software, providing aunified workflow," company chief technology officer said. "For anyone whoorders, artists can now freely while the final each element involved in imageprocessing, no longer have to suffer needlessly. ”
ClarisseiFX software originates from the founder Isotropix developed tools, so far there have been 3 years old. The software forms the core of a "stable andmulti-threaded evaluation engine, parameters are changed in the scene can berecalculated intelligently to avoid all unnecessary." Completed the engine candetect and remove all redundant information to save memory. Developers claim that the software can handle contains millions of polygons and textures ofmodern standard workstation Gigabit capacity. Built-in renderer based on theCPU, even on a low-end laptop can remain "perfectly smooth and interaction".
"As a rendering technical director before, I often have to spend hoursmanually optimize 3D scene, it takes up too much memory to render. If we usedthe Clarisse, don't know how much less. "Recently joined the Isotropix Visualeffects supervisor YannCouderc said.
Although ClarisseiFX can provide layout, example, shadows and lighting,animation, editing, rendering and synthesis tool sets and processing package,but it should not be used to generate geometry, modified or animatedcharacters. Original property can be generated in other software and OBJformat or native LightWave files, including MDD imported. ClarisseiFX does notsupport the FBX, Pixologic GoZ and Alembic has a good compatibility.
"Compared to FBX, we will firmly support the Alembic, because we are convinced that now is the era of popular 3D. But OpenEXR to 2D development, "saidIsotropix SamAssadian, Chief Executive. Since the furry build of the software, as well as some commonly used fur, but dynamic hair must rely on subsequentimports.
Isotropix 库拉丽丝 iFX 2.0 SP6 与内容 (赢/Mac/Lnx) |746/728/733 mb
库拉丽丝 iFX 是高端的 2D/3D 动画软件是动画包、 合成软件和 3d 渲染引擎融合新品种。它被设计来简化工作流程的 CG 艺术家,让他们工作和不断与充分影响交互对其最终的图像。
库拉丽丝提供高端设计的功能都要一致,直观吨。其工作流鳞片很好地与大量复杂性同时又保持易于管理。通过简化 CG 艺术家的工作的方式,库拉丽丝革命性 Digimatte 和环境艺术家,看起来是发展和照明艺术家在视觉特效和动画工作室工作的日常的工作。
平台: x 64
Isotropix Clarisse iFX 2.0 SP6 with Content (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 746/728/733 Mb
Clarisse iFX is a new breed of high-end 2D/3D animation software which is the fusion of an animation package, a compositing software and a 3d rendering engine. It has been designed to streamline the workflow of CG artists to let them work and constantly interact on their final image with full effects on.
A workflow from a better perspective.
Clarisse provides tons of high-end features all designed to be consistent and intuitive. Its workflow scales nicely with massive complexity while keeping things easy to manage. By simplifying the way CG artists work, Clarisse revolutionizes the daily work of Digimatte and Environment artists, Look development and lighting artists working in VFX and Animation studios.
Platform: x64
Home Page - http://www.isotropix.com/