CG数据库 >> 颜色校正手册 专业技术的视频和电影第 2 版

颜色校正手册 专业技术的视频和电影第 2 版的图片1

Color Correction Handbook: Professional Techniques for Video and Cinema, 2nd Edition

Duration 10h+ | MP4 | aac, 48KHz, 2 channels | h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 29.97 fpfps | 9.48 GB

Genre: eLearning | English | PDF and Video included

The colorist is responsible for the critical final stage of refinement of the film and broadcast image. Using all of the controls modern color correction software provides, colorists refine the mood, create style, add polish to scenes, and breathe life into the visuals. The craft of color correction can take considerable trial and error to learn, while the art of color grading takes years to perfect. Alexis Van Hurkman draws on his wealth of industry experience to provide a thoroughly updated edition of what has become the standard guide to color correction. Using a friendly, clear teaching style and a slew of real-world examples and anecdotes, Alexis demonstrates how to achieve professional results for any project, using any number of dedicated grading applications, or even an editing program’s built-in color correction tools.

From the most basic methods for evaluating and correcting an overall image to the most advanced targeted corrections and creative stylizations, Color Correction Handbook, Second Edition, is your one-stop guide. Among many valuable concepts and techniques, you’ll learn to:

• Set up a professional color correction environment using the latest technologies and adhere to the most up-to-date standards

• Work with log-encoded media and LUTs

• Analyze shots quickly and correct errors of color and exposure

• Create idealized adjustments for key features such as skin tone, skies, and product shots

• Develop strategies for balancing clips in a scene to match one another for continuity, and grading greenscreen clips destined for visual effects

• Master a variety of stylistic techniques used to set a scene’s mood

• Apply principles of color and contrast to add depth and visual interest

• Browse valuable research about memory colors, audience preferences, and critical corrections for achieving appealing skin tones and controlled environments

• Follow along with the downloadable files that accompany this book, including HD footage, cross-platform exercises, and project files.

颜色校正手册 专业技术的视频和电影,第 2 版

持续时间 10 h + |MP4 |2 个通道 48 KHz,aac |h264,yuv420p,1280 x 720,29.97fpfps |9.48 GB

类型: 电子学习 |英语 |PDF 和视频:

调色师是负责电影和广播的图像细化的关键的最后阶段。使用的所有控件现代色彩校正软件都提供,染细化心情、 创建样式、 添加场景,波兰语和生活注入的视觉效果。颜色校正工艺可以采取大量的试验和错误来学习,而艺术的颜色分级需要多年来完善。Alexis Van Hurkman 吸取他丰富的行业经验,提供什么已成为色彩校正标准指南彻底更新的版。Alexis 使用一场友谊赛,明确教学风格和一系列现实世界的例子和奇闻轶事,演示如何实现专业的结果,对于任何项目,使用任意数量的专用分级的应用程序或甚至编辑程序内置颜色校正工具。

从最基本的方法,为评价和纠正的最先进的有针对性的更正和创意 stylizations 整体形象,颜色校正手册,第二版,是您的一站式指南。有很多宝贵的概念和技术,您将学习到:

• 建立一个专业的色彩校正环境中使用最新的技术和坚持的最新标准

• 工作日志编码媒体与下尿路症状

• 快速分析镜头和纠正错误的颜色和曝光度

• 创建理想化的调整关键特性,如肤色、 天空和拍摄的产品

• 制定战略平衡中一个场景来彼此匹配的连续性,剪辑和分级演员戏份剪辑用于视觉效果

• 掌握各种文体技术用于设置场景的心情

• 适用的颜色和对比度,增加深度和视觉上的趣味性原则

• 浏览关于记忆的颜色,观众的喜好,有价值的研究和实现有吸引力的关键更正皮肤色调和受控的环境

• 按照伴随这本书,包括高清录像、 跨平台练习和项目文件的可下载文件。