CG数据库 >> Digital Tutors - Creative Development Creating a Photorealistic Ink Drop Effect in FumeFX and Krakat

Digital Tutors - Creative Development Creating a Photorealistic Ink Drop Effect in FumeFX and Krakat的图片1

Digital Tutors - 用FumeFX和Krakatoa创建一个逼真的墨滴效果

在本教程中,我们将学习如何创建粒子特效,从开始到最终渲染。在本教程中,我们将讨论FumeFX PFLOW的基础知识到高级技术。我们还将讨论一些Krakatoa的渲染技术,包括 Magma Flow编辑器,我们会看到如何用partitioning增加我们的粒子,最后我们来看看如何在NUKE合成。完成本教程后,我们将更好地了解流体,以及如何管理和渲染粒子。

In this tutorial we will learn how to create particle  effects from the beginning to final render.  Throughout this tutorial we are going to talk about FumeFX and PFlow  from the basics to more advanced techniques.  We'll also cover some  rendering techniques in Krakatoa, including the Magma Flow Editor, we'll  see how to increment our particle count using the partitioning, and  finally we'll look how to composite the particles in NUKE. After  completing this tutorial, we'll have a much better understanding of  fluids and how to manage and render particles.

1. Introduction and project overview

2. Basic scene setup

3. Basic motion

4. FumeFX quick overview

5. Getting started with FumeFX

6. PFlow and FumeFX integration

7. Introduction to Krakatoa

8. Particles partitioning

9. Using the PRT Loader to load partitions

10. MagmaFlow and rendering the particles in Krakatoa

11. Compositing particles in NUKE

在本教程中我们将学习如何创建粒子效果从一开始到最后的渲染。在此教程中我们要谈论FumeFX 和运输机从基础知识到更高级的技术。我们也会涉及一些技法在喀拉喀托,包括岩浆流编辑器中的,我们将看到如何使用分区,我们粒子计数递增和最后我们来看如何复合粒子在NUKE。完成本教程之后,我们会有更好地了解流体以及如何管理和呈现颗粒。




4.FumeFX 快速概览

5.入门 FumeFX

6.运输机和 FumeFX 一体化



9.利用 PRT 加载程序加载分区

10.MagmaFlow 和渲染粒子在喀拉喀托

11.复合粒子在 NUKE